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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018

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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: [EVENT] Winter Ball 2018

Bericht van Ka'on Agard ma dec 17 2018, 23:03

- ka'on agard -
Elke keer dat ze zo zaten ging het zo ongeveer het zelfde. Alyss maakte zich het eerste klaar en zij zat op en neer te wiebelen op een stoel in de kamer. Tegen de tijd dat Alyss bijna klaar was met het borstelen van haar zilveren haren, stelde ze Alyss een vriendin. "Het hoeft niet," reageerde Alyss in eerste instantie. "Maar ik denk niet dat de professoren dat erg op prijs zouden stellen." Ka'on bromde gefrustreerd en liet zich half achterover hangen. Ze had geen zin in het moeten dragen van een jurk. Die dingen paste gewoon niet bij haar. Niet dat ze haar niet stonden maar eerder dat ze zich, zichzelf niet meer in voelde. Aan de andere kant was het ook die ene dag van het jaar en hadden de professoren wel hun best gedaan. "Alright, alright," verzuchtte ze. Binnen de korste keren had ze de rode jurk tevoorschijn gehaald en zich omgekleed. "Hair and make-up to a minimum please?" grijnsde de blondine. Suggestief nam ze plaats op een stoel voor Alyss. Traditie was traditie. Daar ging ze zich aan houden ook.

Tag: Alyss
Dress: Klik
Ka'on Agard
Quidditch Captain Gryffindor
Ka'on Agard
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Hogwarts ID
Year: Sixth year
Age: 17 years old
Species: Wizard

Quidditch Captain Gryffindor

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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: [EVENT] Winter Ball 2018

Bericht van Darcy Whelan ma dec 24 2018, 15:39

i'd like to make as much art
as i possible can before i die

@Sarff Thompson
Het was eigenlijk nogal impulsief geweest. Natuurlijk was hij altijd wel goed met feestjes en alles, maar aan de andere kant had hij nooit verwacht dat hij ook daadwerkelijk een date te pakken had gekregen. Wat hem nog het meest verbaasde was dat ze ook nog ja had gezegd ervoor. Er speelde dan ook wat nerveusheid in zijn lichaam, terwijl hij zijn pak aan het passen was voor een spiegel. Hij liet zijn handen over het zwarte fluweel gaan en liet zijn ogen glijden over de zilver en groene stropdas die hij om had gedaan. Immers zou hij er voor zorgen dat hij altijd iets van de kleuren van Slytherin in zijn kleding had zitten. Daarna pakte hij een potje van de tafel naast hem en deed een goede lik gel in zijn haar, waardoor het strak naar achter stond en plat tegen zijn schedel aan plakte. Een kleine glimlach stond op zijn gezicht, voordat hij een miauw naast zich hoorde. Hij draaide zich om en zakte door zijn knieën. "Hallo daar Règime," zei hij vrolijk, terwijl hij zijn kat over d'r kin aaide. "Ik moet er zo vandoor, lieverd. Ik kan niet blijven knuffelen." De kleine tuxedo kattin miauwde een beetje beledigd en ging op een kussen liggen slapen. Darcy haalde zijn schouders op en controleerde zijn kleding nog een keer, voordat hij de common room in liep. Hij had met zijn date afgesproken bij de Great Hall en had dus eventjes nog eventjes tijd om zijn klamme handen weg te spelen. De jongeman haalde diep adem en wandelde de dungeons uit en richting de Great Hall.

Bij de Great Hall aangekomen, bleef de jongeman staan en keek om zich heen. Er waren meerdere aan het wachten op hun dates, net zoals hij was. Het was toen hij een bekende dame aan zag lopen, dat een glimlach op zijn gezicht verscheen. Hij had geluk dat de Head Girl van Slytherin met hem mee wilde komen. "M'lady," sprak hij met een lichte buiging en zijn arm aanbood aan haar.

[His Suit, but with a silver ans green tie]
Darcy Whelan
Slytherin Student
Darcy Whelan
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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 Tumblr_ojdinbxuYp1vlczwao1_500

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Hogwarts ID
Year: Fifth year
Age: 16 y/o
Species: Wizard

Slytherin Student

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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: [EVENT] Winter Ball 2018

Bericht van Sarff Thompson ma dec 24 2018, 18:29

Sarff Thompson17y/o | 6th year | Slytherin headgirl
Sarff had eerst niet gepland naar het bal te gaan. Immers voelde ze zich verantwoordelijk voor de jongere studenten die de slaapvertrekken en Common Room niet mochten verlaten. Toch was ze met een van de jongens van Slytherin akkoord gegaan. immers had Darcy haar zonder al te veel poetspas gevraagd om mee naar het bal te gaan, en plezier te hebben. Over plezier gesproken, dat was wel iets dat Sarff kon waarderen, waardoor ze zonder te twijfelen een kort maar krachtig antwoord had gegeven en de resterende tijd bezig was geweest een outfit te vinden en de kamers van de meiden even te checken. Haar jurk was zwart, net maar ook een beetje griezelig. immers leek er van gaas een soort spinnenweb op haar schouder te zijn gemaakt. Het zwarte paste precies bij het pak dat de ander had aangedaan en gaf toch nog een sterke vibe af. Iets wat bij de studente paste.

Ze had met Darcy afgesproken bij de Great Hall, en was een beetje aan de late kant doordat een van de jongere studenten haar nodig had gehad, waardoor ze op haar donkergroene met zwarte hakken snel in de richting van de Great Hall was gelopen. Haar hakken waren opvallend, dat paste ook bij haar jurk, en bij het House; Slytherin. Immers was er op een aparte manier een slang toegevoegd aan de sierlijke hakken. Een glimlach verscheen op het gezicht van de verzorgd uitziende man, waardoor ze hem met een kleine nette reverence hem begroette. "M'lady," Sprak hij terwijl hij haar een arm aan bood. "M'lord," Echode ze met een kleine glimlach terwijl ze hem eens goed bekeek. "Leuke stropdas," Sprak ze terwijl ze haar hand netjes in die van hem legde, alsof ze dit soort evenementen gewend was, immers was ze op haar beste gedrag. Voor nu dan.

Tag: Darcy


Sarff Thompson
Slytherin Head Girl
Sarff Thompson
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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 100x100

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Hogwarts ID
Year: Sixth year
Age: 17 years old
Species: Wizard

Slytherin Head Girl

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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: [EVENT] Winter Ball 2018

Bericht van Adrian Parker do dec 27 2018, 13:38

He looked at himself in disbelieve. The Slytherin never liked to dress up, he never liked big parties or some kind. His whole life long he needed to fancy other people and overcome his fears. Today wasn’t any different, and why? For a girl he barely knew, who had the guts to threaten him. Adrian sighted heavily and looked down in the sink. He wished he could disappear in the sewers, live a life with the Basilisk or something. The boy looked back up and tried to smile but he only got his lips to tremble a bit. “Man this is hard”, he mumbled. It was easier to get thrown in an, for him, awkward situation then to be prepared for it. He hated crowds. He hated how everyone was too close, how much noise they made and how everyone smelled.

Adrian gathered his courage and knotted his tie. He looked handsome in his suit. The boy barely wore it so it was as good as new. His hair was combed back with some wax, what made him look older. The Slytherin took in a deep breath before he washed his hands and got out of his room. The most of his roommates were already at the Ball. The Common Room wasn’t packed but it was crowded. He cursed under his breath and tried to stay calm. If it was already this crowded in the Common Room, how would the ball be?

Boys and girls started to leave the room when their dates arrived or when they went to pick up their dates. Adrian leaned against a table with his hands in his pockets, glancing into the flames of the fireplace. It took some time for his date to come. He only realized she stood in front of him when she coughed to attract his attention. Adrian was thunderstruck when he saw her, “Wow, Eris, you look beautiful”, he said softly. The boy didn’t know the girl that well but he had seen her multiple times at school. She wasn’t boring or ugly but neither was she really eye-catching. What a dress and little make-up could do. This time he had no problem to smile genuily. "Ready to get tortured?", he asked while he offered her an arm.

Tag: Eris
OOC: Godmode met toestemming

Adrian's suit:
Adrian Parker
Slytherin Student
Adrian Parker
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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 1-1

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Hogwarts ID
Year: Sixth year
Age: 17
Species: Wizard

Slytherin Student

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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: [EVENT] Winter Ball 2018

Bericht van Eris Leva do dec 27 2018, 17:28

And she would bow to no one


How long was the girl already staring at herself in the mirror? She really had no idea. Her black dress did good to her curves and her hair had been beautiful curled. Her heels were also black. While closing her eyes for a second she had to keep herself from biting on her lower lip. After sighing a few more times the girl turned her back to the mirror. She can’t let her wait for too long, that was just plain rude. Now that she thought about it. They don’t have to stay to long right…? Can they leave after 3 hours…?

The girl pulled her dress just a bit up, so that there won’t be a chance to fall of stairs. When entering the common room Eris found her date almost immediately. Being fair to herself, Adrian did look handsome in a suite. A smile was on her face when he complimented her. “Thank you, you look very handsome yourself” and she meant it. It was not just to be nice.

With her hand around his arm the girl nodded. “ let’s do this..” after looking for a second at him she sight softly “sorry i dragged you into doing this. We can always slip away when we want to leave” nothing would stop jer of leaving. When they moved forward. Her free hand went to her ears to make sure her earplugs sat right.

@username || words: ###

Dress: https://imgur.com/B65fHEq
Heels: https://imgur.com/JocgNoC

(Done with phone)
Eris Leva
Slytherin Student
Eris Leva
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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 100x100

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Hogwarts ID
Year: Sixth year
Age: 17
Species: Wizard

Slytherin Student

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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: [EVENT] Winter Ball 2018

Bericht van Adrian Parker do dec 27 2018, 17:49

She had curled her hair and wore a black dress with golden ornaments. It suited her very well. He wasn't the only one who looked more mature. When she stood close to him, he noticed that she wore high heels. The Slytherin couldn't hold back a smile. “Thank you, you look very handsome yourself”, he bowed a little before offering his arm. After taking some steps, and encouraging eachother, he whispered, "Did I offend you yesterday?", he made her think for a moment before explaining himself, "Wearing high heels so you won't be the smolly you are", and laughed softly.

Sorry I dragged you into doing this. We can always slip away when we want to leave”, he shook his head. "Don't worry, I could've said no but I was too weak", he said dramaticly while they got at the entrance of the Great Hall. He felt Eris shifting. He noticed the earplugs when he looked at her. "Dammit, I could use those...", he admitted and stepped inside.
The Great Hall was, as he feared, crowded. Music played loudly and couples were dancing. The Slytherin kind of dragged his date to the food and drinks. "They always say the food is delicious, it's the first time I come to the Ball", he said while taking a glass of wine and offering Eris one. He wondered if she had come to the ball before. Something he'd ask later that evening.
Adrian Parker
Slytherin Student
Adrian Parker
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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 1-1

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Hogwarts ID
Year: Sixth year
Age: 17
Species: Wizard

Slytherin Student

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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: [EVENT] Winter Ball 2018

Bericht van Eris Leva do dec 27 2018, 23:45

And she would bow to no one

It was time. She could already hear the loud noises from the crowd. How long are they even supposed to stay? Well at least she got a date to share the ‘joy’. Glad he didn't like this either. The first seconds the young woman did have to think if he did offend her yesterday..she wouldn't know what until his next words. Making her laugh softly .“Can't were flats in this kind of dress.”

“Ha, even if you weren't weak, i would have bugged you all day until you would agree.” Eris hardly ever accept a defeat. It was only just a ball. It isn't that bad. The doors were open and already she heard the loud music. Making her happy with the earplugs. “ hehe, it was doctors order. Another thing my parents are happy about, the technology of muggles.” it did prevent it from getting worse.

She took the glass of wine out of his hands, taking a sip. “It’s the same as every year. So don't worry you haven't missed anything. I tried not to go this year. But you know how that went” while watching the busy room, she took another sip from the wine. “The ball stays until midnight, but we can leave earlier.” seeing his behaviour here made her feel guilty. Did he really don't like crowds that bad? “Bet there will be a lot of people that will leave early”

@username || words: ###

Eris Leva
Slytherin Student
Eris Leva
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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 100x100

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Hogwarts ID
Year: Sixth year
Age: 17
Species: Wizard

Slytherin Student

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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: [EVENT] Winter Ball 2018

Bericht van Adrian Parker vr dec 28 2018, 09:44

He just smiled when she said her dress asked for high heels. He wouldn't know, he had no clue what to wear under a dress. As long as she wore something, it would've been fine with him. The walk to the Great Hall was in silent. It wasn't that far from the Slytherin Common Room anyway.
Adrian believed her when she said she would've bothered him all day until he would've said yes. She didn't seem the kind of girl to give up easily. "You should consider joining the Quidditch team with that kind of spirit", he suggested.

Eris followed his lead to the food and drinks. As reading his mind, she answered his question if she went to last balls too. "Who did you drag with you last years?", he asked out of curiosity, and why not go with that person again? He took some kind of cake and ate it while the girl started talking again. He saw she looked with some kind of pitty to him. He didn't like pitty, she shouldn't feel sorry for him. Adrian just noded about leaving earlier. The Slytherin drank his wine, put the glass down and took Eris by the hand, "Want to dance?", he didn't wait for an answer.

Adrian tried to ignore the crowd by looking at his date. The song was halfway when they got on the dancefloor. As in a stereotypical high school movie, the next song was a slow one. The first thing he noticed was the fact the crowd slimmed down so he had more space to breath. He took her hands and layed them on his shoulders while he placed his hands in the small of her back. "You can't go to a ball without a slow dance", he explained, "Just follow my lead", he insisted.
Adrian Parker
Slytherin Student
Adrian Parker
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Hogwarts ID
Year: Sixth year
Age: 17
Species: Wizard

Slytherin Student

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[EVENT] Winter Ball 2018 - Pagina 2 Empty Re: [EVENT] Winter Ball 2018

Bericht van Gesponsorde inhoud

Gesponsorde inhoud

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